Golden Palace Hôtel w Grand-Bassam

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejGolden Palace Hôtel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

boulevard Alassane Ouatarra 877, Grand-Bassam, Sud-Comoé, CI Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 07 07 18 6464
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.202587, Longitude: -3.7364822

komentarze 5

  • Kevin Cooney

    Kevin Cooney


    Pool not open, expensive meals but clean, well air-conditioned rooms

  • Nkechi Okoli

    Nkechi Okoli


    Decent place, clean, nothing fancy. Complimentary breakfast not so great. Would be nice to have more varieties. Would have been 3 stars but the 4th star is for the manager, an elderly lady called mama who was so helpful and gave me a full bottle of ginger juice when i was checking out.

  • Mfoniso Eshiett

    Mfoniso Eshiett


    It's a beautiful hotel.. I think the staff needs to learn how to speak English or get an interpreter as communication was an issue. Staff needs to work on customer care also. Swimming pool gym facilities should be properly taken care of as it was not neat at all.

  • Cecil Dadzie

    Cecil Dadzie


    Wow! The welcome was amazing, Afrikland is your place to stay when in Ivory Coast- the hotel is 30mins drive from the airport. Security is tight so your safety is assured- their meals are yum yum 😋 delicious food! The have spacious training/conference facilities and big halls for your events. The pool is nicely positioned- giving the place a beautiful view- the gym is also rightly equipped to help you workout! There’s a bar near the pool - you can enjoy your cocktails there... Internet isn’t reliable in rooms but very good at poolside.

  • Karel Andréa Manouan

    Karel Andréa Manouan


    A luxurious hotel with friendly staff. The food at the restaurant is very good too, just wish that everything on the menu was available but I'm sure on a different visit there wouldn't have been any issues. They also have channels in English, French and Wollof and Disney for the kids. A great weekend getaway.

najbliższy Kwatera

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