Hotel Particulier Abidjan w Abidjan

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejHotel Particulier Abidjan


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

52, Route du Lycée Technique, Abidjan, CI Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 27 22 4 41616
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.3504607, Longitude: -4.0039272

komentarze 5

  • Kouassi Clément KONAN

    Kouassi Clément KONAN


    A very nice and peaceful place for your stay in Ivory Coast

  • Delina Yohannes

    Delina Yohannes


    An absolutely stunning, serene oasis in the middle of Abidjan - a must visit for anyone looking for a relaxing day and gorgeous gardens, whether you’re going for a swim or just having food and drinks (which was very good). I’ll definitely be getting a room here on my next visit! Helpful and friendly staff and great service

  • Salvatore Lima

    Salvatore Lima


    Why Le Particulier deserves one star? Despite having paid a bed and breakfast tariff during the checkout I was charged for the extra breakfast. We were two guests and according to the receptionist only one breakfast is included in the tariff. Without checking the reservation I paid the extra two breakfasts. I was trusting the hotel. Once I realized the extra charge I wrote to the hotel claiming back the refund. since three days I’m trying to get back the extra paid breakfasts and they are throttling the reply saying that they will offer free breakfast to my next stay. They don’t want to refund it. BE AWARE OF THIS KIND OF SCAM They are not serious at all!

  • Amy Minnie

    Amy Minnie


    A beautiful piece of paradise and a perfect spot to relax and enjoy a beautiful garden, lovely pool and amazing local dishes.

  • Nurbanu



    I live in Abidjan, so I didn’t stay at this hotel. I’ve been here for drinking and eating something. For drinks and desert, the price is affordable. The garden is relaxing and beautiful. I think that here is so peaceful.

najbliższy Kwatera

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