National Blood Transfusion Center de Abidjan

Côte d'IvoireNational Blood Transfusion Center



🕗 horaire

Boulevard de Marseille, Abidjan, CI Côte d'Ivoire
contact téléphone: +225 27 21 3 53933
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.2913728, Longitude: -3.9967922

commentaires 5

  • jinho prodige

    jinho prodige


    Located right next to the new public health pharmacy 500 meters from the Treichville University Hospital

  • Ali Khadra

    Ali Khadra


    God bless this people

  • Guillaume kekre

    Guillaume kekre


    The blood transfusion center....a very beautiful renovation welcomes you..... We really feel that the management has changed. Much more professional staff now.... It is an essential organ in health and treatment must follow. In any case my collection went very well in complete peace and conviviality, above all greatly appreciating the professionalism of the staff today...... great job and much appreciate...

  • Ladji KANDE

    Ladji KANDE


    Do like me, I participate in donating blood with my Community # The Rahama Community # every 3 months at CNTS Treichville

  • Gladignon Jr

    Gladignon Jr


    A public and civic service committed to the well-being of citizens, it is important to donate blood, a simple but heroic gesture. Visit the CRSTS and donate blood to save lives, especially in these times.

Hôpital la plus proche

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