Boulangerie gare de Lyon w Abidjan

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejBoulangerie gare de Lyon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Route d'Abatta, Abidjan, CI Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 07 68 50 5070
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.3569716, Longitude: -3.9250957

komentarze 5

  • sidibe saran

    sidibe saran


    6:38 p.m. I just entered this bakery with the idea of ​​familiarizing myself with the approach of Ramadan. 2/10: I point out the flies on the croissants and the cashier tells me "there's nothing in the kitchen. That's all that's there." And she goes back to her phone. The second young lady tries to chase them away with the back of her hand. Sorry, I prefer my health. I left as quickly as I entered.

  • Hermann Keussé

    Hermann Keussé


    Bakery located less than 300 m from the AB center crossroads. She makes very good breads. You can also buy pastry products and ice creams there.

  • Around the world

    Around the world


    Lovely food and People

  • Landry Digbeu

    Landry Digbeu



  • Gnele Fougnigue Coulibaly

    Gnele Fougnigue Coulibaly



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