Hotel Akakros w Daloa

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejHotel Akakros


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

VGPR+97G, Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 27 32 7 80853
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 6.8859451, Longitude: -6.4592984

komentarze 5

  • B.K Singh

    B.K Singh


    This is a very old hotel and always need maintenance. My Korean friend renovated this hotel and he spent almost 250 000 USD in Jun 2014. On 21 August 2017, he gave me procuration of this hotel. Again I spent more than 60 million CFA. It's lease was for 5 years and now it's lease is going to expire but owner wants to capture all business with all our items. He has even not replied my proposition. I don't know how I will survive. My promoter and account also eat lot of money. I am a foriener and I don't know who can help me. I need another 5 years contract so I can recover my money.

  • Pawan Raturi

    Pawan Raturi


    Best and cheap food ... Specially chicken and rice were amazing

  • Pierre Claver kouakou

    Pierre Claver kouakou


    Nice and clean place but need some refreshments

  • Anand Joshi

    Anand Joshi


    Wonderful, Mr. Singh is an amazing guy, very friendly

  • 노석호



    If you choose this hotel it means you can enjoy your trip with best service and reasonable price. In fact, I stayed only one night for business trip with my colleagues so I know you can't trust well even I tell this hotel is amazing and awesome. However I'm sure Ivory Coast government trusts this hotel because 7 ministers and their many assistants stayed this hotel during President Ouattara visiting Daloa a few days ago. Do you need another reason? :)

najbliższy Kwatera

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