Hôtel akwaba de Yamoussoukro

Côte d'IvoireHôtel akwaba


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RP9G+J5M, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire
contact téléphone: +225 27 30 6 42594
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 6.8190847, Longitude: -5.2745931

commentaires 5

  • Copain LACLE

    Copain LACLE


    The meals were good but the setting needs to be renovated. It wasn't really pleasant.

  • Marie DURAND

    Marie DURAND


    I chose the cheapest room but I found a used condom in the toilet when I arrived… otherwise the bedding and the room were clean but very basic. Friendly welcome and good location! This is suitable for one night

  • Daniel Rodríguez González

    Daniel Rodríguez González


    Budget motel with an excellent location, in the center of Yamoussoukro, and close to the bus stations. It has rooms with air conditioning and cheaper ones with a fan, and you can also have dinner or a drink on its terrace on the shores of the lake. Ideal for backpackers or people looking for a cheap hotel without luxuries but in good condition. It doesn't have Wi-Fi.

  • Eunix 56

    Eunix 56


    Safe place

  • Petr Mlčoch

    Petr Mlčoch


    Very basic accommodation with AC. You'll get what you pay for (10,000 CFA). Outdoor restaurant offers great chill in the evenings with delicious brochette or grilled fish. Rabbit on the menu!

Lodging la plus proche

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