Hôtel du Stade w Bouake

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejHôtel du Stade


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

MXM3+H99, Bouake, Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 05 04 77 0377
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 7.6839022, Longitude: -5.0465193

komentarze 5

  • Mimi Ibrahim

    Mimi Ibrahim


    Best place to be in buoake, such friendly people and its a stone throw to the staduim

  • Mamadou Sylla

    Mamadou Sylla


    A little pricey but otherwise very nice service! Great reception and service I must say!

  • Yunia Bidali

    Yunia Bidali


    The hotel is clean and the staff are professional. The shower was hot but it would be great if they could change the from shower head to one that is fixed on the wall since the bathing area ia really small. Logging into the wifi is too long and complex. Breakfast should be served early. I slept here only one night but I would recommend.

  • Arnold Ofoe Odonkor

    Arnold Ofoe Odonkor


    A good and cost wise hotel. The reception is a pleasant to welcome you. The rooms are well laid and comfortable to have good night sleep. Sited centrally in the city that permits one to move from the hotel to other parts of the city without any difficulty. A modest place if you are budget conscious.

  • Dominique Roger Gadjoro

    Dominique Roger Gadjoro


    it is a beautiful hotel, the stay is very comfortable and a nice restaurant and especially the best cook and technician hotelier (the best waiter and receptionist ) ... etc that's why I give five stars to the hotel of the stadium

najbliższy Kwatera

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