Medical Clinic Siloé w Grand-Bassam

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejMedical Clinic Siloé



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Route Internationale, Grand-Bassam, Sud-Comoé, CI Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 05 86 34 5520
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.2197622, Longitude: -3.7363492

komentarze 5

  • Adjoua Genevieve N'guessan

    Adjoua Genevieve N'guessan


    I had a very bad experience with this clinic. There are very good doctors but the service is very very very slow. The staff is also very rude especially the ladies at the x-ray

  • Aurelie Kouakou

    Aurelie Kouakou


    The clinic service is very slow. My sister was hospitalized there. The operation went well but the medical service was slow and unpleasant.

  • kouakou eric yao

    kouakou eric yao


    Hello doctor, I hereby invite you to take a look at your reception service. In fact, I have only just left your clinic without being able to be seen. I am an assured customer, coming with my 04 children who are not doing well.

  • Elhadji Cisse

    Elhadji Cisse


    The service here at the Siloe clinic is very slow (extremely slow) with a wait of more than 2 hours just to do an ultrasound because the person who takes care of it comes when he wants to work and this without consequence and when he comes so he has little errands to do in the neighborhood while the patients wait for him. Staff who arrive late and who are not at all professional and, moreover, dare to speak to patients in any way. Really this clinic is not recommended at all. Very bad experience. The service here at the Siloe Clinic is very slow (extra slow). There is a 2 hours plus waiting time just to get an ultrasound done because the guy in charge of ultrasound shows up whenever he feels like it and when he does show up he still run his strays in the neighborhood while patients are waiting to be taken care of. The staff is not professional at all. They speak to patients in a demeaning manner. I would not recommend this clinic to anyone at all. Bad experience all around.

  • Pierre André Beket

    Pierre André Beket


    The Siloé clinic has really good, well-equipped premises, it even has a space for children to wait. It's a good clinic with the right staff and speed of service. From reception to exit from this medical center, almost everything, so to speak, is on point.

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