Norima w Abidjan

Wybrzeże Kości SłoniowejNorima



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
kontakt telefon: +225 27 22 5 10314
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.3636418, Longitude: -3.9920282

komentarze 5

  • Ana Costa

    Ana Costa


    Another of Abidjan's inconspicuous restaurants. If one is not looking for it, one might just pass the front door without even noticing it. The restaurant gives a nod to an industrial atmosphere, with its high ceilings, brick wall-papered walls and its furniture and decor in dark shades. Servers are pleasant. Food took quite a long time to get to the table and was just barely warm. The grilled tiger prawns (gambas) had a delicious seasoning and were succulent, but unfortunately one of the prawns (out of two) was slightly undercooked. I ate everything, though, because I was afraid if taken back to the grill they would get overcooked. It came with a portion of sautéed potatoes and a portion of a minty sauce that I did not like. The Alfredo vegetarian pasta was cooked al dente and was good, although quite spicy. The Virgin Raspberry Lemonade was refreshing but I don't consider that the price matches the (non-)complexity of the drink. All in all, I liked the meal but consider that, for the price range, more attention has to be paid to details like from-order-to-table timeframe and the temperature of the dishes when they arrive at the table.

  • Felix Tay

    Felix Tay


    Came with a few friends, we loved the atmosphere. Burgers, ribs, and the other food we ordered are nice and the price is decent. However we hope there will be an increase in drinks choices for cocktails. Ample of red wine selections for any wine lovers.

  • J David Shemesh

    J David Shemesh


    "My recent visit to Norima was an unpleasant experience. The meat I ordered was extremely tough, making the meal hard to enjoy. Furthermore, I was taken aback by the high prices of the dishes in relation to the quality of the food. The service was also poor, with inattentive staff and excessive wait times. This visit to Norima fell far short of my expectations, and I cannot recommend it to fellow diners."

  • Adeniran Lawal

    Adeniran Lawal


    Easily might be my favorite restaurant in Abidjan. Food was superb and came out very early! I really like that. Also, the decor is beautiful. Temperature and lightning were both perfect. Had a wonderful evening there and I cannot wait to return with my friends.

  • Ramia N'guessan

    Ramia N'guessan


    Great staff and decoration! The raspberry mojito is my favourite drink! The shrimp popcorn and their sauce are amazing and the little starter bread buns are a delight. I would recommend.

najbliższy Restauracja

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