Restaurant Chez Sisko de San-Pedro

CĂŽte d'IvoireRestaurant Chez Sisko


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P9V5+MQ3, San-Pedro, CĂŽte d'Ivoire
contact téléphone: +225
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Latitude: 4.7440681, Longitude: -6.6406265

commentaires 1

  • Boyd Kelly

    Boyd Kelly


    Unfortunately, although quite late and the restaurant was almost empty, the waiter informed us that we could not order fries with the iced beer. Since the manager has determined that the fries are a side dish and therefore cannot be ordered alone. We explained to him that the tourists had already eaten but they would like to have a beer and 'come along'. No way. Strange, you can order a plate of fries with a beer in BouakĂ©, Abidjan, London, Toronto, Paris, Tokyo. But San Pedro doesn’t happen. 0 stars. We still gave the poor waiter a generous tip. Yako.

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