Hôtel Fondy de Yamoussoukro

Côte d'IvoireHôtel Fondy


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Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire
contact téléphone: +225 27 30 6 43065
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 6.8331213, Longitude: -5.259942

commentaires 5

  • Kouakou Franck Koffi

    Kouakou Franck Koffi



  • Marcel Kouame Ble

    Marcel Kouame Ble


    Very nice hotel with large variety of prices per room going from xof 15k up to xof 50k for master rooms. I recommend this place for your stays in yamoussoukro

  • Isidore Adje

    Isidore Adje


    Fondy Hotel is a very nice place which is located in a very good area in YAMOUSSOUKRO CÔTE D'IVOIRE, out of noises, peaceful and resting place. The rooms are very big. The hotel has a pool. But the only thing is the hotel is an old building which needs to be more careful.

  • Fat boy Slim

    Fat boy Slim


    Ok place to live. However no refrigerator or safe deposit box in the hotel rooms. The breakfast are quite basic, but cheap. Nice personnel

  • KOUAME Ble Marcel

    KOUAME Ble Marcel


    They can do better! First time to sleep there and the night was quite ok. They should improve their reception.

Lodging la plus proche

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